Friday, September 13, 2013

September Blog Challenge: I suddenly (almost) fell behind! Oh my!

Well, I had been doing so good with the challenge! But, sadly I got a bit of writer's block and got "busy" and fell behind. What can I say...*sigh*

So the prompt from today was challenges you've over come. I have to be honest I feel like I've let a relatively easy life. I think the biggest "challenge" I've over come is being a young parent and trying to be a mom, wife, student, and full time employee all at the same time. It wasn't easy but I managed to do all of them and be pretty darn good at all of them at the same time! It was a bit like juggling plates there for a bit, but I managed. I made the bed, so I got comfy ;)

Challenges definitely make us who we are and I couldn't have any better challenges than these two:

Love these guys!

So, what are some challenges you've faced?

1 comment:

  1. Don't give up! It is hard to keep up with the challenge everyday but we're almost there!
