Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Life Story in 292 words

So, today's challenge topic is: Your life story in 300 words or less. 

This was hard for me! I have a lot I want to say about my life!!! But, this is about the gist of my life in a nutshell. It wound up being 292 words in total. I can't wait to read everyone else's!!!

Mi Familia

I was born and raised in 1980 in Jacksonville, FL to two amazing parents and a great brother who was 8 years older than me. When I was 4 my parents had a home built and we moved in there, which is where I met my best friend of 28 years. I went through life like any other child, we played outside until the street lights came on, sometimes later as we would get the flashlights out and play flashlight tag. I grew up and changed into a teenager. I met my first real boyfriend in 9th grade and went to prom, and then in 10th grade I went to a rival high schools prom where I actually met a guy that would be my future husband.  My next year of high school, my 11th grad year, I worked my butt off and graduated early after doing some dual enrollment at the local college. That is where I met (again) that guy from 10th grade prom. We moved quickly and were married within 6 months of dating. That December we welcomed a beautiful baby girl into our family and he joined the military which took us on a crazy journey around the country. We lived in Lompoc, CA, Denver, Co, Satellite Beach, FL, and Orlando, FL. After we both graduated from University we moved to Topeka, KS where I began teaching and found a career field I love. After the hubs finished law school we moved back “home” to FL but it wasn't really where our hearts were so hubby changed career fields and we've since moved to Austin, TX, Santa Monica, CA, and now Vancouver, BC. I am currently a keeper of my home and starting a blog and Etsy Business.


  1. I'm from Kansas =)

    My husband and I went to the same junior high but don't remember one another. I think it's so neat that you've known your husband that long... makes it more special knowing one another while growing up and going through so many life changes!

    Stopping by from the link up!

    1. It really does make a difference Kassie, I think it also makes you more willing to change with one another! Kansas is a great place to live and raise a family part of me wishes we'd never moved away, we really enjoyed living there! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. It's neat that you have lived in so many places - especially Lompoc. I am from Santa Barbara and love finding other bloggers who have been around here. Good luck on getting your blog and etsy shop up and running. I look forward to your future posts :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Becca! It's unusual that someone actually knows where Lompoc is!!! hahaha I loved that little town it was so cute. :)

  3. That's awesome that you worked so hard to finish high school early.

  4. I had the same opportunity to graduate early but never took advantage of it, now that I'm older I wish I had! You sound incredibly ambitious, I can't wait to read more posts from you this month!

    1. Thanks, Sarah and Angelina! Sarah, it was hard to convince everyone I should do it and as an adult I now feel sorry for my parents lol but I am glad that once I helped them see the benefits they were encouraging!

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