
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Menu Plan Monday +Workouts: Moving Edition

Wow, wow, wow! Easter Monday here folks.
We had a wonderful weekend full of games with friends, dinners with friends, and egg hunts! There was a poor decision of a donut and one of those Lindt Cream eggs for breakfast on Easter Morning but it was totally worth it ;)

As you know from my last post that we are undergoing a huge move to Amsterdam, Netherlands. This means very busy days of selling and tossing stuff. So, the menu is full of easy, quick stuff that doesn't require any more than a pan, a pot, and/or a baking sheet.

Breakfast Choices:
Oatmeal cups, cereal cups, eggs & veggies, shakeology, paleo pancakes with pb, 

Monday: Leftover's from Easter Dinner Out
Tuesday: me: eatout, teenager: spaghetti leftovers & salad 
Wednesday: me: tuna salad, teenager: lunch out with her friends
Thursday: Driving to Washington to take care of US needs, eat out
Friday: munchies plate: any fruit and veggies that need to use up, cheese, nuts OR Chicken Salad
Saturday: Grilled cheese with salad
Sunday: Omelettes or Cream of Wheat

Monday: Baked potatoes/baked sweet potatoes with zucchini and sugar snap peas
Tuesday: Tacos with salad
Wednesday: Chicken breasts topped with cheese & veggies/salad
Thursday: Spending the day in Washington taking care of US stuff, eat out
Friday: Hamburgers with veggies & potato skins
Saturday: Homemade Hamburger Helper with salad
Sunday:  BBQ pulled pork sandwiches with cheese, corn, and zucchini

Snack Choices: Shakeology bites, apples with peanut butter, paleo pancakes with pb

**Update** Paleo Pancakes
This recipe is adapted from the Big Ass Pancake...

2 tablespoon coconut flour
2 eggs
2 tablespoons milk (I use almond but you could use full fat coconut, coconut almond, or-gasp, even regular milk haha although then it is not quite so paleo anymore, I think that is "primal" then)

Put the coconut flour in a mug & break up any big lumps, add milk & eggs. Mix together with a fork until not lumpy. Cook in a small skillet, mine is about a 6-8" skillet and it takes up the whole bottom of the skillet. I top it with sunbutter, peanut butter, or almond butter. Many times I will mix my nut or seed butter with some coconut oil to make it a little runnier & more like a "syrup"-ish thing.

Workout Schedule
Not only are we moving, but I am having a crazy week with starting a new work project that will need a good amount of my attention. This means workouts will need to be quick, yet effective. 

Monday: 100 Burpee Burnout +insanity cardio abs
Tuesday: 1 mile run and X3 Yoga
Wednesday: Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance
Thursday: Doing some traveling and stuff so will try and do some foam rolling
Friday: P90X Cardio X
Saturday: 3 mile run, foam rolling
Sunday: Yoga at Lulu Lemon


  1. Paleo pancakes sound interesting. Recipe?

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I updated the post with the recipe. When I make it later today or tomorrow I will update again with a picture! or a few pictures! :D

  2. Hi Kate!
    You are a busy lady! Congratulations on the move! Thank you so much for sharing this fun run-down of your week on #SmallVictoriesSunday! Also sharing some Sverve love!
