Woohoo! Friday it is! Does anyone have any fun plans for the weekend?
I know we have New Restaurant Friday and then Saturday the Teenager is having a couple friends spend the night. Sunday will actually be relaxing since there is no cheerleading. Hoping to fit in a run that day.
If you missed last week's Feature Friday make sure to check it out here. This week has been a great week in the blog-o-sphere! I've found lots of great stuff to read!
What I've Read:
The first article I read that really spoke to me is from another fitness mama. She's Rachel & she is over at Random Kings. She writes about Birth Stories and why they are a big deal. I have never judged someone for how they choose to give birth. That is obviously a very, very personal experience and what is right for the goose is most definitely not right for the gander. My friend Rachel had two completely natural births..good for her..I am jealous. I wish I could have done that, but I am a huge wimp and got the epidural...like as soon as I could! I had the most enjoyable, lazy birth. I will say when I tell people my birth story they are amazed my epidural worked so well. I have never felt judged by it though. Maybe I am just not that sensitive to notice if someone was judging me. But, as women I do feel that when we are in online forums and talking with our friends no matter what we should support them, especially with a birth story. Everyone makes the best decisions they can at the time and things don't always go as planned no matter how much you try to plan! So tell me what you think? Have you ever felt "judged" by your birth story? Have you ever judged someone for how they chose to handle the birth of their child? Better yet, leave her a comment on her site ;)
Next, I read two articles that I wanted to feature. Tomorrow I have a travel article coming up and these two ladies posted nice articles about places they have recently visited. The first is from Cosmos Mariners she writes about How to Have an Inexpensive Trip to Scotland. This spoke to me because we just got back from a fairly inexpensive trip to London. We love to save money so any tips on making trips less costly are always appreciated! The final article I am going to write about is from Megan Joy Jaunts. She writes about visiting Seville, Spain! While there they visited a beautiful cathedral: Catedral de Seville. Go check out her beautiful pictures, this place is definitely on my must visit list some day!
What I Wrote:
During my Meal Plan Monday post I write about 5 things you can do on Sunday to make your whole week run smoother & make sure you don't miss those workouts ;) This week I also continued on my weekly deep cleaning series: Living Room and Dining Room. Finally, if you didn't see this beauty yesterday I posted my recipe for making Granite Cleaner Wipes. Go over and check these out. Let me know what you think! :)
What I Watched:
I don't really have any links but this week we have been crazy into Big Brother Canada! Any one else watching? I love how they had the new house guest come in! Excited to see how that will shake the house up.
I've also been way in to Reign. It's getting super interesting. I love how they are going down an interesting sexual path with the King. This last week when he screwed the woman right out the window was shocking! Who else watched? What do you think?
I'm linking up over at Blogitudes today, if you are a blogger go link up too ;)
Hi Kate! Meal Plan Monday! I need that. Off to read it!!
ReplyDeleteFor my granite (maybe they're corian? I can't remember) countertops, I just put some soft scrub down and use a sponge in a circular motion to buff. It's almost like exfoliation but for my counters. I have to check out your homemade wipes!
Happy feature Friday to you!
Thanks so much for stopping by! :) I hope you found my Meal Plan Monday helpful!
DeleteSo do you go to a new restaurant every Friday? I love that idea!!!
ReplyDeleteYes ma'am, we do a new restaurant every Friday. It may not necessarily be new to the area, but just a place we personally haven't tried before. It is a lot of fun and we've discovered some really cool places! (also some really terrible places! haha)
DeleteHi Kate! So glad you're in the hop this week! :) I've definitely got to check out the travel post links that you featured - and the Meal Plan Monday that you wrote. They sound wonderful! Thanks so very much for participating and for listing your excellent recommendations! :D
ReplyDeleteSo glad you stopped by Marcia! Glad you found them interesting...hope you like my Meal Plan Monday! :D
DeleteI had both my girls differently. I would never judge anyone for their choices. Okay. Maybe a little. Those people who know the pain, understand the pain and still don't ask for the epidural... I might be a little scared of them! I begged for one during my second child's birth.
ReplyDeleteI agree that there should be less judging and more acceptance of all choices. I'm off to check out that link you shared!
Bahaha! Yeah, the two people I know who have done 1 or more birth with no med are my hero's! hahaha I was a baby and had in my instructions to give me the epi asap! I wasn't taking any chances! :P