
Friday, May 31, 2013

Fabulous Friday!

Well, we've finally made it to Friday! Barely on this end though as we've been terribly sick. Luckily the Mr. hasn't gotten it yet, but I'm making sure not to breathe on him! So, I'll continue to keep my fingers crossed.

This weekend we aren't going to be up to too much as we are just coming off of being sick and the kiddo leaves for her Grade 7 End of Year 5 day trip! I didn't even know schools did this until we moved to Texas and we heard about several schools that took week long camping trips or in California when most of her Grade 6 friends went to some space camp thing. So, this is pretty exciting that since they are "graduating" this year (at her school Grade 7 is ending Primary School),so, they get a really big trip!

So, we will be packing her for that. On Friday we are going to do a little bit of a Fondue with our new Raclette cheese. We'll grill up some meats and shrimp (maybe even some lobster), and veggies for dipping into the cheese. Then we'll finish it up with these amazing Malted Chocolate Chunk Cookies.

Saturday will be an exciting day as our local farmer's market opens!!! My daughter and I love farmer's markets. The kid is open to trying anything new so we always grab one new fruit or veggie to try that upcoming week. I figured after a while we'd run out of things to try, but with as much as we've moved there is always something new to try! I think our favorite so far was dragon fruit we tried at the Santa Monica Farmer's Market last year, and the biggest surprise to both of us was our love of fresh, raw spinach. You'd be surprised what kids are willing to try when you give them the freedom to pick it and decide how they want it prepared to try. My daughter is adventurous so the way she thought she'd like spinach the least-raw-is actually how she likes it the best, same with kale! Don't give her cooked kale, she'll ask you why you destroyed it! So, needless to say we are pretty excited about that. The rest of the day will be spent finishing packing her up and working on dying her bedding and working on the last of some accessories we started a couple weeks ago to make her room into a Moroccan Paradise.  We will also spend sometime prepping her Sunday lunch on the bus and making some cinnamon rolls or baked doughnut holes. This is also supposed to be our date night but since she leaves Sunday for a nearly a week unless she goes to spend the night at a friend's house we'll actually stay home and enjoy being with her. But, if she decides to go spend the night then we'll go out and do some dancing and jump around to a few bars trying new cocktails (that's what I love about city living no worries about driving around to try new and different bars).

Sunday we'll wake up and having cinnamon rolls or doughnut holes and coffee/hot cocoa (all homemade) and then we'll be off on our walk to the school to get her off to her big trip. Then the husband and I will probably laze around and stay in bed all day since we haven't really had the opportunity to do that since early 1999! LOL For dinner we'll do some easy quesadilla's using the last of our Raclette and any leftover's from Friday's fondue.

Now, I usually leave you all with a yummy recipe so I'll leave you with this one:

Tropical Martini
This is my twist on a fun martini

1 oz Malibu Rum
1 oz Absolute Citron
1 oz Pineapple Mango 100% Juice 
Dash of Grenadine

Combine all in a shaker cup with ice. Strain into a cold martini glass. Enjoy responsibly!

I really enjoyed this martini during our game night last weekend. It was quite tasty and made me think of summer!! So, if it's warm or just wish it was warm shake this up and enjoy! (Just don't drive after ;))

So, hard to believe our little bug is getting so big to do all the huge trips and stuff without us! But, I am glad we brought her up not afraid to go off and enjoy herself without us! Explore and see the world through her own eyes and tell us all about it!

What are you most looking forward to this weekend? I think for me I'm looking forward to seeing the excitement on my kid's face as she gets on that giant bus and goes off on this much anticipated trip.

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